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Sunday, 24 August 2014

Reminder- Red Day this Wednesday

Today we watched a play by the Drama Club reminding us why we are having Red Day, and to wear red and bring a gold coin donation on Wednesday.

Well done Drama Club!!!

Monday, 18 August 2014

Thank you for the library books

Thank you to all the people who sold and bought chocolates. $746.25 was raised for library books.   We spent all of it. These are the books we were able to buy.


Junior Team Singing

Thanks for coming to see us. We loved performing our song. 

Monday, 11 August 2014

Mini Commonwealth Games

Room 1 enjoyed the Mini Commonwealth Games held at halcombe school on Monday the 11th of August 2014.

WE Competed and tried our best. We supported each other by cheering, being positive and showing sportmanship.

Maths Challenge

How many hands, legs and heads can you count altogether.

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Maths Week

Maths Week
Try this Challenge
Do them by yourself or with someone

How many ears do you see here?
Courtesy of Daily Dollar Challenges - Maths Week

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Term 3

We have had a great start to the 3rd Term. We are have just finished our Commonwealth Games Topic. We are currently working on Gymnastics and junior team singing. We have had three new people come and join our class. Welcome Fraser, Charlie and Angus. Here we all are sitting in the learning position.